Archaeologists from the National University of San Marcus discovered the mummy in Cajamarquilla, about 15 miles east of Lima, Peru, in November 2021. It is one of many archaeological sites in Peru and was home to various ethnic groups.

This was a surprising discovery as the team was not searching for the mummy. It was found when researchers were excavating an ancient mud complex outside the capital city of Lima, Peru.
The mummy was found in an underground tomb which was about 10 feet long and about 4.5 feet deep. The tomb also contained ceramics, vegetable remains and stone tools. Several marine molluscs were also found outside the tomb.
The mummy was believed to be a man aged about 25 to 30 years old when he died. The peculiar and unique characteristic feature of the mummy was that the whole body was tied with the ropes covering its face with the hands. It was in the foetal position and well preserved in the tomb. Their tomb’s location indicates that this person was of high social status.

The age of the mummy is estimated to be between 800-1200 years. It was believed that the mummy is from the pre-Inca culture that dominated the southern part of South America 500 years ago. Mummy discovery sheds light on Peruvian culture.
According to the information released by the university, the findings indicate that the area was likely multi-ethnic and would have been occupied by settlers from the coast and mountains.
Scientists are still working on the mummy to discover more secrets about it. Further analysis is needed for more information.
Many mummies have previously been found in Peruvian archaeological sites.
If you want to learn about the process of making mummies read the article- The Art of Mummification- ancient Egypt.
Mysterious mummy found in tomb in Peru with hands covering its face
Archaeologists Unearth 800-Year-Old Mummy in Peru