An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
Anthropology is the study of us. Our clothes, our homes, our bodies, how we talk, how we think, our...
anthropological concepts Anthropological Glossary anthropological terminology anthropological terms Anthropologist anthropologists anthropology anthropology glossary Anthropology terminology anthropology terms applied anthropology assimilation berdache tradition bilateral descent biological anthropology biosphere Bipedalism bisexual Brahmacharya Ashram branches of anthropology cannibalism case study cell division cultural anthropology cultural ecology cultural relativism culture economic anthropology enculturation ethnography forensic anthropology Fossils heterosexual homosexual Indian anthropologist Introduction to Anthropology joint family linguistic anthropology matrilineal nature-man-spirit complex nuclear family patrilineal physical anthropology visual anthropology what are fossils
Anthropology is the study of us. Our clothes, our homes, our bodies, how we talk, how we think, our...
Language is the basic source of preserving cultural traits. It acts as a medium of transmitting the culture from...
We live in a world that is infused with religion. It is infused to that extent that sometimes even...
Mummification developed by the ancient Egyptians was highly ceremonial. Mummification is the process of drying out and wrapping the...
Anthropology does not deal with a single subject. Anthropology is such field that relates to other subjects to deal...
Who were the Aztecs? Why was human sacrifice so important and central among the Aztecs? In almost every corner...
Cultural diffusion is the process by which cultural traits discovered or invented at one place or society is spread...
Where do you live? is it North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia or Antarctica? We all know...
A ghost town is an abandoned village or city or town which contains remains. A town becomes a ghost...
Globalization is the phenomenon where interactions between people across the world become more frequent and easier. People living around...